If my character were a glass of wine... The Boy Next Door is a pretty intense romance, so in this case I don't think it matters what kind of wine it is - it's sitting on the coffee table while Maddy and Gabe ignore it in favor of some quality couch time together.
What sort of meal is my book? I'm going to have to go with Chinese takeout - so delicious you'll scarf through it and want more. :-)
Snack? Strawberries just picked from a Kansas farm field - this YA romance is juicy.
Your character's choice of candy? For Maddy, it'd be milk chocolate - the color of Gabe's eyes. For Gabe, cherry candy like the scent of Maddy's shampoo.

What is your most memorable meal? I have a lot of wonderful memories of extended family dinners at my grandmother's house, a monthly tradition when I was growing up that I recreated in The Boy Next Door with the "families night" tradition of Maddy and Gabe's parents.
How would you describe your writing? I strive to capture a passion for life in my writing, drawing from my joy for figure skating, my hunger for personal improvement, and my love of the simplicity of life in the Midwest.
What's your favorite beverage to accompany a good book? I like a cup of tea, either English Breakfast with milk or Harney & Sons Paris blend.
Preferred salty snack? Chipotle cheddar on crackers.
Next week, you'll hear from Jennifer Comeaux, whose yummy NA figure skating novel Crossing the Ice just hit the shelves last month.